Physical Therapy

Get back to living. With our experienced team of physical therapists in Garden City, you’ll get back to doing the things you love in no time.

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Physical Therapy in Garden city, NY

Are you experiencing chronic pain after an accident, sports injury, post-surgery, or due to a chronic illness? Have you been searching for relief from the ongoing discomfort? You don’t have to struggle alone any longer. Physical therapy can help. Dr. Kalter and his team of pain experts have helped countless people find real and lasting relief, and can do the same for you too.

Partners in treating your pain and getting you back on your feet faster.

Physical therapy is a critical component of post-injury rehabilitation and recuperation, particularly in the case of traumatic accidents, sports injuries, and post-surgical interventions. Physical therapy is used to help restore physical function and mobility by promoting healing of tissue damage and stimulating the neuromuscular system while simultaneously leveraging corrective exercises to retrain muscle recruitment patterns. This rehabilitative approach also encourages patients to develop strategies to manage pain and modify activities that are conducive to optimizing recovery outcomes.

The pain specialists at MK Spine & Joint Rehab work together with each patient to come up with a custom tailored physical therapy routine to help them recover quicker and more efficiently and regain their life. If you’re looking for a kind and compassionate team committed to your physical recovery, look no further than MK Spine & Joint Rehab in Garden City, Long Island. Schedule your appointment today.

Physical Therapy after Injury in Garden City Long Island