Want to get to the bottom of you pain? A comprehensive nerve conduction test at our office in Garden City may be exactly what you need.

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Nerve Conduction Testing in Garden city, NY

Do you ever feel like something is just off with your body? Are you tired of not being able to move your legs, arms and hands without feeling pain while doing everyday tasks? Do you want to restore your physical strength and ability with an accurate medical diagnosis? If so, then Nerve Conduction Testing from the medical team at MK Spine & Joint Rehab may be right for you. This specialized testing offers a complete examination of the nervous system to diagnose chronic illnesses such as neuromuscular diseases or disorders.

How does Nerve Conduction Testing (NCT) work?

Nerve Conduction Testing (NCT) is a technique utilized in the diagnosis of various medical conditions that may cause pain. It involves the use of electrical stimulation to measure the response of nerve fibers and assess their functionality. This technique can be used to identify abnormalities that may not be detectable through other means, such as those related to nerve anatomy, structure or biochemistry. In order to perform NCT for pain, electrodes are placed on specific nerve segments and a small electrical stimulus is applied.

Dr. Kalter and his team of pain specialists at MK Spine & Joint Rehab in Garden City have been able to successfully diagnose, and treat, hundreds of patients who were experiencing pain using NCT.

If you’ve been suffering from severe ongoing pain due to a sports injury, work-related injury, automotive accident, or chronic illness, a Nerve Conduction Test may help determine the exact cause, and ultimately, a solution for your pain. Contact our office to learn more.

Nerve Conduction Test in Garden City